Thursday, September 29, 2011

Falling Behind Here...

Evening!  Matt is watching one of his DVRed shows...some UFC deal so I figured I would take the time to write and entry here.  Playing a little catch-up here I have some food to post and some workouts to write about.  I need to get better at this posting more than once in a blue moon here!  I never was much of a journal writer so it makes sense that I do not keep up with this daily, I'm trying tho!

Let's see, backing up a little, I did have a killer workout this past Saturday compliments of Kaitlin :0)  It was about 33 minutes and was one of my longer workouts to date.  It was as follows...

3 rounds-to be done with speed and intensity:

  • 30 push-ups
  • 30 squats
  • 30 lying leg lifts
  • 1 minute rest
  • 30 staggered arm push-ups
  • 30 alternating lunges
  • 30 burpees (my true love...not)
round one was done in 10:30 round two 11:30 and round three 11:30...not too bad, pretty consistent.  These are the type of workouts that make me feel like I am totally out of shape! LOL

This workout was done this past Wednesday...I had to go and get a kettlebell and heavier dumbells.  I got an adjustable kettlebell which is pretty neat so I can adjust accordingly as I get more efficient.  This was actually an enjoyable one.  I completed this just shy of 11 minutes.

21-15-9 (3 rounds with each number representing the reps in each) to be done as fast as possible with compromising form-
  • dumbell burpee push-up to deadlift
  • sit-ups with overhead/between leg dumbell touch
  • russian swings
I try to do these workouts with a day between them.  On the other days I will either do a Jillian Michaels workout, run/power walk with Bear or take a rest day.  Sundays are usually my rest day since that is Matt's day off and many times I will take one other rest day a week.

Now for some food talk...We had one heck of a dinner last Saturday.  I got brave and tried one of KPK's recipes.  I made carnitas and cauliflower mash.  OMG...that's all I have to say.  I am not a huge pork fan and don't usually eat it often, but will since Matt loves it and these carnitas pretty much made me fall in love.  Hands down AMAZING!  Not only were the carnitas great but the cauliflower mash was unbelievable.  Even Matt who HATES cauliflower thought it was delicious (tasted just like garlic mashed taters).  He even asked that I make it again a few days later!  I obviously had no objection.  Matt's buddy ate with us and he was sold too, keeps asking Matt to get the recipes from me!  Both recipes are on the KPK blog so you can check it out there...PS if you make the carnitas really be prepared for your house to smell lie.

mmm, this one portion left me feeling full and the leftovers where even better!

Another meal we had one night this past week was wild caught salmon with a fried egg atop some spinach with mixed veggies which had ghee on them.  There is not really a recipe here for this its basically pan fried salmon with a pan fried egg and some steamed veggies with melted ghee...pretty simple!

it's been a long time since I had salmon and it was gooooooood

I have decided most everything tastes better with an egg on top :0)  I love being able to eat as well as I have been with not a care in the world regarding calories or's great!  

I made some coleslaw, well I took a coleslaw recipe off of FastPaleo and since I had broccoli slaw on hand and not typical coleslaw I used that instead.  Its a simple recipe using the slaw, 1 apple (made this pre no fruit in my diet), unsweetened coconut milk, apple cider vinegar and olive oil.  I'll be honest, it's not amazing but is pretty was an experiment and next time I will use regular coleslaw but none the less, that's how we learn right?

Last but not nearly the least for tonight...Many days I either a. don't want breakfast as I am still full from the night before or b. I don't really want lunch as I'm full from breakfast.  Many days I just want something small in place of a large lunch which is what I would have if I don't eat breakfast.  This has been a pretty easy and yummy go to when I don't want lunch....It's my tuna bowl:

Dani's Tuna Bowl:
  • 1 can of tuna packed in water
  • Olive oil (1 or 2 tbsp)
  • avocado (1/4-1/2)
  • chopped green onions (I used 1 stalk)
  • 1 hard boiled egg chopped
  • celery salt, pepper, onion powder, garlic power and dill weed
  • mix it allllllll together and can really do what you want with what you like, make it your own...I just mix a bunch of my favorite tastes together and bam! I have my mid-day snack full of yum!
Well folks, X-Factor is on (yes I somehow got hooked on this show...oh boy!) So...I'm off and until next time, ADIOS!

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