Thursday, September 22, 2011

Buying It, Eating It and Using it...

Afternoon to all or the few that may actually read this...We finally have power for our humble abode, it came back on mid-day yesterday.  I was thrilled! LOL.  I can only go so long sans electric...oh well!

So anyways, yesterday I did probably my most biggest shopping trip since starting my Paleo Lifestyle (granted there has only been 2, but still...).  Where we are in the small town of Port Clinton my options for my groceries are a Kroger and a Walmart.  I know there are some small markets but I didnt remember where they were and Kroger came to me first, therefore is the closest so I went there.  Other reasons is the gas rewards (they are stellar!! esp since diesel is so high!).  There is also a cheese and meat market that I will check out and a fish market as well.  I also remember driving by a farm market but again didn't remember where it was and just wanted to get my shopping done and over with so the other reason I hit Kroger.

Kroger's ended up not being such a bad choice.  They had plenty of options for wild caught seafood, beef, local veggies, bacon, eggs etc etc.  I ended up spending what I would have spent on what used to be a usual grocery trip but much less items (all the junk we eat adds up!).  I was pretty impressed as I was expecting my grocery bill to be quite more than usual.  Some of the items I came home with were a ginormous lobster tail, jumbo scallops, salmon, yellowtail, steak, chicken, lots of bacon, more produce than I know what to do with or our frig has seen in awhile, pantry staples/spices, eggs etc etc etc. I think I have at least a week's worth of dinners alone in that least on the protein side of things.  I'm easy for my breakfasts/lunches and Matt enjoys taking leftovers for his lunch.

 just some of the veggies i got...

yellowtail tuna...mmm

 salmon, yummy

Last night's dinner however did not have any leftovers except for some veggies.  It was so good, so rich and so filling...definitely something you cannot do all the time.  We had lobster tail (we split it) and bacon wrapped jumbo scallops with my obsession of a veggie medley.  I was a bit nervous about preparing the lobster tail because if I cooked it just a tad too long well then it would be GROSS, not edible and not enjoyable.  I had gotten directions from my mom as she prepares it occasionally and it worked out perfectly!

  • pre-heat your oven to 400degrees
  • cut the tail down the center and place the meat on top
  • sprinkle with paprika (I use a good amount)
  • bake the lobster for about 20minutes (depending on size too so it could be less could be more if it's any bigger than ours was)
  • broil it 1 more minute for added color
  • melt you some butter and enjoy!
  • wrap each scallop in a slice of bacon and secure with a toothpick
  • place in over for about 10 or so minutes (I sorta took and educated guess as I've never done them before)
  • enjoy! Lucky for me, they worked out perrrrrrrfect!!
Veggie Medley:

  • sauteed in ghee with garlic and thats about it folks...simple, easy, delish

mmm, so yum...

Now, as for some workouts since I have been gymless...they have been as follows (totally different than anything I have ever done for the most part)  Monday I power walked with Bear...gained 2 nice blisters from that, love!  Tuesday I did one of the workouts Kaitlin gave me...
lying leg raises (10)
body weight squats (25)
burpees (10) (HATE these lol)
this was done as many rounds as possible in 15min...looks/sounds easy but it wasn' it

Wednesday was a day off...I was still feeling sluggish from all the traveling and non-stop I have had over the past 2 weeks...needed some downtime that wasn't spent in the truck all day long.

Today well, today I had to use some creativity...I did:
body weight rows (thats where the creativity came in)
these were done in 3 rounds as fast as I could with out compromising form...21-15-9
I was happy with my push-ups as I can tell I am getting stronger (not the girlie push-ups) so that was exciting...
as far as the body weight rows go, well I was lacking anything really here at the camper to do them so resorted to using the tailgate on Matt's truck...too hard to describe in writing, wish someone was home so they could have taken a pic...needless to say it was hard and will resort to going to a park next time to do these when in a workout.
I followed this workout up with some yoga...not too bad.

Well, there you have it...sure by now you are bored to tears but no one promised an entertaining blog...just one documenting some of my progress...2 weeks in! :0)


  1. Hahaha I just lol'd envisioning your tailgate rows, you are a champ! Keep up the good work woman. Xo

  2. haha thanks!! it def wasn't easy...had i put more thought into it, i would have used my lifting gloves for added grip...lesson learned! ha!
