Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Shoulda...Woulda...I am!

Good morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (have a nice cup of joe in my body...it was, well is a bit chilly here this am!)

So, after thinking about it...I realized I should have done this post first and foremost, however I was just so excited to get my ball rolling, I don't think I really went into detail as to WHY I have chosen to take the path of Paleo...I'm sure there is at least ONE person out there that is asking this...maybe? not?  Well, I'm telling you anyways...

To make my long boring story on the shorter side of things, I'll try to keep it simple and just dip a little bit into the timeline.  I would say about 5 or so years ago I started experiencing digestive problems (that i became fully aware of but never really thought much about...).  I pretty much kept this "problem" to myself as I thought  A. it was just a phase my body was going thru (yea right! who knew??) B. my answer to everything...MY BODY HATES ME! or C. figured a slight chance that it could be normal among many??? Well, after time and trying to self cure myself (ended up making it worse) I started becoming more vocal about my issue hoping that someone out there had the same issues I did and knew the answer.  At this point tho, I didn't think that it was a doctor worthy problem.  However, after becoming dependent on over the counter meds (laxatives, I've tried them all), i decided this was ridic and needed to go to the doctor.  After talking with 3...not just 1 but 3 (all diff docs too) No one knew what my deal was, pretty much shrugged me off and said eat more apples, take this (well i became immune to that) or well, wait it out...your body will eventually respond.  To me, those aren't answers at all so back to my self medicating which I was becoming more and more dependent on.  At this point my problems are becoming bigger and are taking control of my life.  I would cancel social plans, not workout etc all because of some problem I had no idea what to do about.  I could not eat a regular meal with out some sorta of consequence after...to put it simply...I was MISERABLE!!!!

Well, after having a couple of years of this and getting sick of spending all the money I was on laxatives (my drug of choice, yes I had an addiction) I decided this was enough!  I need to figure this out some how some way!  So....earlier this summer I remembered a friend telling me about a procedure, very simple, easy and comfortable that lasts about 45 minutes or so that help detox or clean out your digestive system.  I decided to look further in to what is known as  Colonic or Colon Hydrotherapy.  Turns out, this was exactly what I needed (look it up...it helps with everything including cancers, acne, energy etc etc etc the list goes on).  After spending a few days getting my nerves up, I called and made and appointment at a place in Atlanta.  Talking with the owner for about 30minutes when booking my appointment really helped soothe my nerves and felt a lot better about going.  Two and a half months later, I feel so much better and my digestive issues are 100Xs better!!  But, I'm not cured as I obv still have to work with my diet...no point in canceling out all the amazing benefits I was getting thru the colonics with putting in food that my body was repulsed by...

That now leads me up to just shy of going Paleo...I started slowly on my own changing my diet with including more super foods, making smoothies, limiting my carbs, taking in more whole foods with lots of veggies and fruit.  This is all great and all but then there creeps up my obsessiveness with my weight control...yes it's there and what girl doesn't have it???  So, on a side note, due to my weight issue, I contacted Kaitlin Schuck for some advice since I knew she was a  CPT and nutritional coach (she's awesome by the way!
) After messaging with her back and forth I found her blog and that is where I first heard about Paleo...well she has a kick ass body so I'm thinking hmmm her food looks amazing, she eats well, she doesnt calorie count or measure portions (just to get away from that would be AMAZING) I think I need to look further into this...now this is where my digestive issues coincide with my weight issues (i know you were all wondering what the connection was).  I set up a time to meet with her when I was in AZ visiting, but until then I spent a ton of time doing my research and reading blog after blog.  I came to the realization that weight aside...this is most likely EXACTLY what I needed to help my body along with getting my digestive system back on track (notice how no meds are involved in all this...it's completely real, natural and whole).

So there you have it...I have not been officially diagnosed with a gluten intolerance/allergy nor a milk allergy however...doing my own trial and error leading up to my Paleo switch...I noticed most gluten (not all, mainly the items with large amounts) gave me the pains and bloating after eating, also, not all but some milk products did too.  I do not drink a lot of milk so I dont notice it there, or haven't but I do notice it when I eat large amounts of cheese.  So maybe just some minor allergies that do bother me enough to say bubye!  And hey! if I do end up losing some poundage or even just toning up more, I'd love it, not going to complain there!

Ever since I have made the switch, about 2.5weeks ago, I kid you not...NO STOMACH ISSUES.  I can eat a normal good size meal and feel just as great after it as I did before it.  It has been so long since I have had that and it is the most amazing feeling, I've been a victim too long of my body hating on me and if it means giving up foods I love (and think I can't live with out) well, I weigh the pros and cons and my pros definitely outweigh the cons...yes I'd love a big slice of yummy pizza but then I think about how all that makes me feel afterwards and I think, nah...I don't want it.

To each their own, but going whole real and natural is probably the best thing I have done for myself in a loooooooooong time.  Many of the effects from going Paleo are immediate, and some it will probably come over the time.  I'll tell you now, I haven't really lost any weight poundage wise, but the fact that I sleep so much better and harder and that I am not controlled by my digestive issues is enough for me to keep chugging along.  Look it up! Research it! Ask questions! I can do my best to answer and definitely know where I can send you if I don't know the answer.

So, I think this is a bit longer than I anticipated, but I figured what I shared is important to get out there as to why I made the big switch...Hopefully later today or tomorrow I'll have a post up about some food etc. Thanks for hanging in there and lets hope come my 30days I have some amazing progress to report!

Have a Great Day! no...Make it a Great Day! Get out and be active! :0)

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