Friday, September 16, 2011

Newbie Alert!!

Hey!  I'm new to this thing we call a blog...I've been very hesitant to even jump on the blog bandwagon, but alas, here goes...

I decided, even if it was just for my own viewing (and maybe a few others), it would be a good way to track my progress in my new adventure.  What's this new adventure you ask?  Well, after meeting with one cool chick (check her blog out here...Kait's Primal Kitchen) and doing lots of reading and research, I decided to give the Paleo Lifestyle a go.  What's Paleo you ask?  Well its a lot of things, but mainly I'm chalking it up to eating lots of yummy food!  Just kidding...well no really I'm not, but it is more than just yummy food.  Here is the Paleo pitch from the Whole9 website (a great website by the way) it pretty much sums it all up:

"I eat “real” food – fresh, natural food like meat, vegetables and fruit.  I choose foods that are nutrient dense, with lots of naturally-occurring vitamins and minerals, over foods that have more calories but less nutrition.  And food quality is important – I’m careful about where my meat comes from, and buy produce locally and organically as often as possible.
It’s not a low calorie “diet” – I eat as much as I need to maintain strength, energy and a healthy weight.  In fact, my diet is probably much higher in fat than you’d imagine.  Fat isn’t the enemy – it’s a great energy source when it comes from high quality foods like avocado, coconut and nuts. And I’m not trying to do a “low carb” thing, but since I’m eating vegetables and fruits instead of bread, cereal and pasta, it just happens to work out that way.
Eating like this is good for maintaining a healthy metabolism, and reducing inflammation within the body.  It’s been doing great things for my energy levels, body composition and performance in the gym.  It also helps to minimize my risk for a whole host of lifestyle diseases and conditions, like diabetes, heart attack and stroke."
There you have it in a nutshell folks...
With out further boring you with my dry, not so fun post here (hey! i'm a beginner remember??) I'll leave it that...until next time, hopefully I'll have some fun, yummy, picture worthy food to post!

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